イベント December 12 - 13, 2016

The World Bank - Vienna Financial Sector Advisory Center (FinSAC) Conference

  • Vienna

Counsel Kolja Stehl (London/Frankfurt-Financial Institutions Advisory & Financial Regulatory) spoke at the World Bank – Vienna Financial Sector Advisory Center (FinSAC) Conference on EU Bank Resolution and Workshop on Bail-in on December 12-13 in Vienna, Austria.

The conference addressed if and how key objectives in international post-financial crisis resolution frameworks, especially the Financial Stability Board's Key Attributes, will be achieved in the post-crisis resolution framework of the European Union (the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD). Attended by banking specialists from Central, Southeastern and Eastern Europe, the conference also focused on the potential effects of the new EU resolution regime on host countries in Emerging Europe.

Stehl spoke on cross-border recognition of bail-in and provided an overview of recent bail-in case studies (Bes, Greece, Heta). Additional speakers at the conference included representatives from the European Single Resolution Board, European Central Bank, European Banking Authority, European Commission and National Resolution Authorities, as well as academia and civil society representatives.