活动 October 26, 2017

10th China Anti-Corruption Compliance Summit 2017

  • Shanghai

Partner Brian Burke (New York/Shanghai-Litigation) spoke at the 10th Advanced China Summit on Anti-Corruption on October 26 in Shanghai.

Brian was invited by the organizer to give the opening remarks to kick off the two day conference. Brian, along with the other panelists, addressed the following issues at the “Self-Reporting and Cooperating With Regulators in China and Beyond” panel in the afternoon.

  • Is there a duty to disclose suspected corruption to authorities? What are the key factors to consider when deciding whether to self-report? How do you manage simultaneous self-disclosures?
  • Once you’ve self-disclosed, now what? Cooperating with regulators across borders and providing information
  • E-discovery considerations: Collecting, processing and reviewing emails and other electronically stored information for production to regulators
  • Data privacy, cyber-security and state secret considerations when providing data to regulators